
The Caregiver Portal is our one-stop shop for all things related to registrations, payments, youth information, and more.

This Caregiver Portal resource webpage will provide you with quick access links, an informative step-by-step guide, frequently asked questions and a place to ask questions for additional support.

How To Get Started With the Caregiver Portal

If you are new to the Boys & Girls Club, choose the green CREATE ACCOUNT button under the NEW TO THE PORTAL? section on the Caregiver Portal homepage to get started. We’re excited for your youth to join us at the Club!

View the video below for a visual walkthrough of how to create your account.

If you have already accessed the Caregiver Portal, log in using your Username and Password under the ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT? section.

Caregiver Frequently Asked Questions

How will this affect me as a Caregiver? 

The Caregiver Portal is where sign-ups occur, is intuitive and easy to use, helps connect Club staff with parents more easily, and provides timely data. This Caregiver Portal is your one-stop shop for all things related to registrations, payments, youth information, and more. 

What are the steps to complete a membership?  

Log in to the Caregiver Portal and navigate to “MEMBERSHIPS” and your Club location. Select “MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY AND TYPE” (School Year / Summer) and verify or add any new household members. Next, answer membership questions. To complete the process, sign contracts and select your way to pay.

You will receive a confirmation email to verify the membership has been fully submitted.

What do I need to know about the Club’s membership structure? 

We use a fixed membership structure, meaning all families will have a renewal timeline for the school year and summer. The process of renewing memberships is smooth and efficient as most information pre-populates year over year. 

What is the difference between a Membership vs Program Registration?

With the Caregiver Portal, school year and summer “Membership” terms will be used for school year and summer registrations and are required for participation (Page 4—in the Caregiver Resource Guide document). When you see “Program Registrations,” this will be in context to additional add-on type programming requiring sign-up in the portal, such as Orientations, Field Trips, and page Turners (Page 10—in the Caregiver Resource Guide document).

Who do I reach out to for support? 

Ask questions via the contact form below or by clicking this link, and we’ll reply to you in a timely manner at the email address provided. You can also connect directly with your Club Director. 

How do I reset my password?

From the Caregiver Portal Homepage, under “ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT?” select “FORGOT PASSWORD?” to get a new password reset email sent to your portal email address.

Still have questions? We’re here for you. Please complete the form below and we’ll help solve them.