Shining a Light

In honor of National Runaway and Homeless Youth Prevention, the Club’s Home Base program and more than 60 community partners are shining a light on an often unseen and unheard population.  

Look for green footprints spread throughout Northeast Wisconsin businesses and organizations aiming to bring awareness, provide a sign of solidarity, and signal safe spaces for youth in our community. Green is the color symbolizing youth homelessness, for the month of November.  Home Base hopes to show youth that when they walk, they are not walking alone, but alongside their community.   

What’s Youth on the Move 

Youth on the Move aims to bring attention to this population locally along with the 4.2 million youth that experiences homelessness annually across the United States. It seeks to create community awareness for the youth in need in Northeast Wisconsin, while showcasing the ways in which local communities are there to help these young people. In addition to these awareness initiatives, the City of Appleton will again light up the Houdini Plaza fountain and Jones Park in green.  

Home Base provides a variety of supportive services and community connections to youth and families that have experienced or are experiencing challenges relating to running away and/or housing insecurities as well as community outreach and prevention education. 

Experiencing challenges related to homelessness? 

  • Attend our Wellness Fair (information below) to gain access to community resources and care packages 
  • Connect with the Home Base team by texting or calling our 24-hour hotline at 920-750- 0557  
  • View our Street Smart Resources Card 
  • During the month of November, the Oshkosh YMCA will be providing free showers to youth ages 12-25 at their downtown and 20th Street locations. 

Attend our FREE Wellness Fair 

Home Base will also be hosting a Wellness Fair at the Boys & Girls Club of Appleton’s Teen Center, located at 160 S. Badger Ave, Appleton on Wednesday, November 17th from 5-7 pm. This free community event is not only for those currently facing housing insecurity but for anyone interested in learning more and supporting these youth. Care packages and community resources will be available. The event will also feature various activities aimed to help educate others about the challenges related to homelessness.

Want to learn more? 

To learn more about Youth on the Move, the Wellness Fair, virtual activities, locations that are supporting youth, youth homelessness, and more visit: www.bgclubfoxvalley/youth-on-the-move