25 Years of Supporting Youth!

In August 1998, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Fox Valley opened its doors and a world of opportunity for youth in our community. Over the last 25 years, we’ve grown to support 15 locations and have served more than 100,000 young people.

While the Club has evolved, our mission remains the same. We exist to inspire and enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring individuals.

Event Program

Begins at 4:45 pm – will feature current and past Club youth, as well as remarks from our CEO and Board President. The newly painted Paint the City mural will follow with an unveiling program at 5:15 pm. 

Welcome Stations

Please be sure to stop by one of the four welcome stations when you arrive to get an event brochure/map for the event, collect any kid ice cream tickets (available for purchase for adults), sign rock climbing waivers (if interested), and get a special surprise courtesy of Badger Sports Park (while supplies last)!